
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

wake up!

Saturday - December 4, 2010 at 0451

cuak kot!

final start next week
ko x cuak ke?
ko ad 7 exam final
ko x cuak ke?
ko nye coursework biology ngan organic chem cm hampeh je
ko x cuak ke?
ko nye pensel picit dah xd pemadam
ko x cuak ke?

ko nye berat bdan cm degil nk turun je
ko x cuak ke?
kt luar sejuk do, ko nye hidung dah la x betul
ko x cuak ke?
ko nye duit dah xckup
ko x cuak ke?
gman ngan aizat xd lesen lagi
ko x cuak ke?
ko xd experience drive atas ice
ko x cuak ke?
byk lagi mende y ko patut cuak
so, ko xnk buat2 cuak ke, at least?

should i take it from you back?
cause i worried, of pain and hurt
right, after this, no more

apsal susah sgt nk lwn fifa11 ngan gborn!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

" cmtu eh "

"..It's so hard to understand you
I feel so numb
When you want me to solve all of the problems
That I don't even know
I can't be the type of guy you really need
I know I should leave, but I can not
I do not know what I should do
Cause there's no anyone like you
You make me feel so fine
The world is awful without you
I wanna hold you tight.."

Saturday, November 27, 2010


who i think i would be?
my mind is ticking my life away
asking if you are the one
i'm just not sure of how i feel,
all I know is i'm falling for you
because i fell for you...
and i’m dying to explain my heart to you now
as there’s so much on my mind
tearing me apart from my life..

Thursday, November 25, 2010


mak, man rindu kt mak, tp man tau, mak mesti lagi rindu kt man kan?
man rindu sume mende pasal mak
man ingat lg time mak peluk man time man fly tu, 
man tau mak nak nangis, tp mak tahankan perasaan mak

man baru je setahun lebey jauh ngan mak
tp man da x tau nk ckp camane da, betapa man rindu sgt2 kt mak
man x pernah rase cmni sbelum ni
slalu man fikir,
nape man kene jauh ngan mak, ngan family
kenape x belajar kt dlm negara je, cm abg long ngan kak uda

man ingat lg dlu..
time kt semsas, man kol mak satu hari tu,
pdhal man x duit je pun
pastu mak trus letak tepon, man x sangke plak mak sanggup dtg jauh2 ke sekolah man
smate2 just nk bg duit
mak siap sempat bwk makanan feveret man
man tau dlu man jarang balik umah time kt skolah
mungkin man x rase jauh sgt cam y man rase skang ni

man ingat lg dlu..
mak selalu rotan man klo man tinggal smayang
klo tinggal subuh, mak rotan 2 kali, klo asar 4 kali
man slalu rase x suke mak buat man cmtu, sakit la kene rotan ngan hanger
man tau mak nk didik man jgn tinggal smayang
tp skang, klo man tinggal smayang
sape nk rotan2 man, mak xd kt sni..

man ingat lg dlu,
mak slalu baring depan pintu rumah, x bagi man kluar slagi man x buat keje rumah
man duk dlm bilik je, man x suke mak buat cmtu, 
man nk kuar men basikal ngan kwn2
tp skang, klo man nk kuar mane2, pdahal keje man x siap lg,
sape nk halang man, mak xd kt sni..

man ingat lg dlu,
klo man slalu kuar smpai lewat malam
mak slalu kol suruh man balik
time tu man ingat man da besar sgt
man nk lepak smpai kul 12 mlm kt kedai mamak
klo mak kol, kdg2 man xnk angkat phone.
man mintak maaf mak.
tp skang, klo man kuar smpai lewat malam,
sape nk kol man suh balik umah..mak xd kt sni..

mak, klo man kol mak skang, man nangis2, mak nk dtg cni x?
man tau klo mak mmpu dtg, mak akan dtg, mak mesti syg sgt2 kt man kn?
man nk mintak maaf sgt2 kt mak klo selame ni man byk wat salah kat mak

man selalu tipu mak, man mintak maaf mak
man penah smpai cube nk lari dr rumah, man mintak maaf mak
man penah wat mak dtg ke skolah man sbb man kene gantung skolah, man mintak maaf mak
man penah rase x suke ngan mak klo man kene rotan, man mintak maaf mak
man penah marah2 mak, man mintak maaf mak
man penah tinggi suare ngan mak, man mintak maaf mak
man mintak maaf sgt2 mak
man sayang mak
man syg mak smpai bile2

man nk tulis byk2 lg
nnti man x stop nangis plak
sape kate laki x macho klo nangis2 ni
anak makn ni macho macho je kan mak..kan2? hehe

gmbar ni time man kurus lg, skang ni man gemuukkk,
man da janji ngan mak man akan kurus semula
seblum man balik msia nnti..
man akn cube mak, hehe

man rindu mak, man sayang mak~

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



|  eh2, dah sejuk laaaaaa, x sabar nk tunggu snow, tp jgn la sejuk sgt
|  lagi 23 hari je nk g jalan2 ke california, x bole seronok sgt, sbb lg 17 hari nk finals
|   kenape ak x bole control makan klo makan kt umah kak yati?? please kak yati, jgn masak sedap2 sgt..hehe
|   ak suke umah ak skang ni, nmpak lebih kemas, dan lebih "rumah", i mean - more housely..??
|   ak da ad iphone 4, tp terase nk tukar laptop usangku ini, perlukah? x perlukah? ad duitkah?
|   bile ak nk kurus balik ni, susahnyeeeee!
|   ak dah spare $1000 for travelling, then just ad ~$648 utk mende2 lain..cukup ke hah?
|   ad da xd stokin y bersih, sume da kotor, malas nk laundry, beli baru je kot.
|   daging kambing byk dlm freezer ak
|   kene renew insurance kete, nnti kene tahan ngan polis, $400 kot kene saman..waaa, tp ak x ckup duitttt nk renew
|   next sem nk amek public speaking ke xnk eh? segan dowhhh
|   ad lg 3 exams sebelum final exam, go hit the all-out button !!
|   i'm falling again?
|   saya suke jd cikgu awk..hehe
|   eh lupe plak, ak da beli jacket and jeans baru...sukeeee!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010


i tried
won't do that again


thanksgiving break sudah menjelma!!

makan, makan, makan, makan, makan, makan

just ignore those books!!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

someone asked me to do this, byk gilerrrr!!

B - BIRTHDAY: june 13th
C- CRUSHING ON: someone
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: ibuku tersayang~
F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT: colbie caillat - i never told you
H - HOMETOWN: raub, pahang

I - IN LOVE WITH: my family n 7 sahabat serangkai n si dia??hehehe~
J - JUGGLE: dalam mimpi
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: 12 jam kot
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: mocha almond kot
O - ONE WISH: nak balik umah..~

R- REASON TO SMILE: banyak sgt
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: papaku pulang dari kota - by abg towpique
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 10am..ponteng kelas...hahahaha
U - UTENSILS USED TO EAT NOODLES: klo xd org, gune tgn lagi bes!!
V - VEGETABLE: sume kot
W - WORST HABIT: burp senantiasa, perut da besar sgt kot~
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD MOST RECENTLY : time nk fly setahun lepas
Y - YOYOS ARE: mane de, ak x poyo r..wekkk!!
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: gemini~


Your favorite number/s: 11 and 13
What color do you wear most: red n black
Least favorite color : kuning
What are you listening to: anep nyanyi lagu pe ntah
Are you happy with your life right now: 70% happy, the rest bercampur baur
What is your favorite class in school: ponteng class
Are you outgoing: ntah
Favorite pair of shoes: kasut adidas baruuu
Can you dance?: bole2
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: keje bodo laaaa
Can you whistle: not really
Cross your eyes: xnk ak cross2 ni
 Walk with your toes curled: byk tol mende bodo..urghhh!


Do you believe in life in other planets: ermmmmmm?
Do you believe in miracles: somehow yes?
Do you believe in magic: yeahhh! selena gomezzzz~
Love at first sight: ntah
Do you believe in Santa: santan kelapa?
Do you know how to swim: arghhhhh!, jgn tanye laaa
Do you like roller coasters: hell no!!!!!!!! benci tahap cipan!
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows: show mane?
Have you ever been on a plane: aah, benciiii!
Have you ever asked someone out: selalu kot, terutamanye 7 sahabat serangkai
Have you ever been to the ocean: ocean ngan beach ad beza x? ak ni blurrr sket
Have you ever painted your nails?: inai~


What is the temperature outside?: -2 C
What radio station do you listen to: Kiss FM
What was the last restaurant you ate at: Jeff's Pizza
What was the last thing you bought: lupee
What was the last thing on TV you watched: Fifa 11


Who was the last person you IM'd: hehehehehehehe, si dia?
Who was the last person you took a picture of: lupeeee laaa
Who was the last person you said I love you to: makkkkk! rinduuu


Ever really cried your heart out: hehehehe~
Ever cried yourself to sleep: hehehehehe~
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder: nope!!


Are you a happy person?: most of the time!


What is your current hair colour: itam


What shirt are you wearing: baju coke recycle
Pants: kain pelikat
Shoes: chicken's leg
Necklace: huishh!


Favorite eye color: biru kot
Short or long hair?: pendek
Height: ikut umur


Been to jail: penah
Mooned someone: ????
Thought about suicide: kadang2
Laughed so hard you cried?: selaluuu
Cried in school: ntah la
Thrown up in a store: x
Wanted to be a model: xnk
Seen a dead body: selalu
Been on drugs: caffeine addicted jee
Gone skinny dipping: ??


Pepsi or Coke: both
McDonald's or Burger King: both
Single or Group Dates: depends
Chocolate or Vanilla: both
Strawberries or Blueberries: both
Meat or Veggies: both
TV or Movie: both
Guitar or Drums: drums
Adidas or Nike: both
Chinese or Mexican: malay..haha

Saturday, November 13, 2010


1) Adakah anda rasa anda hot?

2) Upload wallpaper yang anda guna sekarang?

3) Cerita pasal wallpaper tersebut.

4) Bila kali terakhir anda makan piza?

5) Lagu paling latest anda dengar.
lupe dah

6) Apa yang anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ni?

7) Dipanggil nama apa selain nama sendiri anda?
x tau la

8) Tag lagi 8 orang
1- bill clinton
2- broga
3- mak cik jah
4- emma watson
5- saddam hussein
6- maimunah
7- osama laden
8- chae young  :)

9) Siapakah orang no.1 kepada anda?
x penah jumpe pun

10) Katakan sesuatu kepada orang no.5?

11) No.3 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
pak cik meon

12) Bagaimana pula dengan no.4?
ngan ak

13) Pesanan kepada orang no.6.
jage diri ye

14) Kata-kata cinta untuk orang no.2.
awk sihat?

15) Adakan no.7 dan no.8 mempunyai persamaan?

16) Berikan 5 perkara yang anda tahu tentang orang yang mengetag anda.
1- raihan
2- ad 2 mate
3- ad gallbladder
4- pompuan
5- ad 2 kaki

17) nama saya luqman

18)Perasaan anda semasa buat tag ini.
rase bersalah

19) Adakah anda tahu yang si Razman tu sengal?
aah, sengal nk mampos

20) Gay or lesbian?
 kedai mamak bukak 24 jam kn?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


tibe2 je terpikir nk upgrade phone
kebetulan phone lame buat hal
so mmg xd nk rase bersalah beli iphone
sbb da lame mengidam
xd duit, tp nk beli jugak!!
lagi satu, ipod kesayangan ak ilang lebey kurang 2 bulan lepas
sedey, tp nk wat camane, nk cari pun x gune, kompem ad org amek dah
xpe2, ak wat2 x tau je. melepas $200 ak g beli ipod..huuuuu

lagi 2 hari, iphone ak sampai, ak nk gelak puas2 dlm tandas sorg2
impian menjadi kenyataan..hehe, ak tgh senyum sorg2 ni, x pasal2 plak
nk melompat2 cm org giler kang, pe plak housemate ak ckp..haha

ad lagi 5 exam sbelum final week n final exam nnti, x bole nk putus asa, ak still ad harapan nk naekkan cgpa
mmg ak sedar ak x pandai, tp x smestinya ak terlalu bodoh kan..
i mean terlalu bodoh utk give up, terlalu bodoh utk xnk pikir mase depan..
selagi ad rezeki dr Allah, ak akan usaha
malas mmg x bole nk elak, so malas kene berpade2, hehe

nnti nk g nebraska ke xnk eh?
x tau la..huuu
y kompem, nk g minnie
nk enjoy ngan mmber ak y teramatlah best!
gman, anep, aizat, pejoe, gbone, ahmad, megat, n pali..
ngan ramai lg y syok2 belaka..hehe
bertuahnye ak dpt belaja kt cni ngan korg

one more thing,
mak, cepat lah beli mic utk desktop
rindu nk video chat ngan mak
siyesss, rinduuuuuu kt mak...;(

Monday, November 8, 2010


aku benci presentation
sebenci kebencian pembenci yang aku mampu bencikan

sem depan, aku kene amek speech comm
kebencian bakal melande seluruh semester seadanye..

benci sebenci benci nye


satu lg pkataan y cm pelik je bunyi, pelik kan?kan2?
ke ak je y perasan..hahaha

Saturday, November 6, 2010

be strong!

be strong girl
i have no idea about how you feel
i just can say, be strong!
setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya

be strong!!

Friday, November 5, 2010


x tau nk cakap camane
x tau pe nk buat
x tau pe nk pk

kdg2, selalu je buat mende xnk pikir dlu pe y akan jd kmudian
then tibe2 nk menyesal, tp at certain point, cm happy plak, or maybe rase bersalah
pastu wat2 xnk amek kisah, padahal dlm hati berserabut mcm ekor kude
n skali lg, x tau nk wat camane, n nk pk ape..

penah jd kt korg x?
nk senang, just say "entah"..

~weekend ni cm best je, tp x tau la, tgk la cane..;(

Thursday, November 4, 2010


got this from someone, for the laki2 kot~

Try to love her not because of who she is, but because of who you are when she is with you.

No girl is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.

Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

Don't waste your time on a girl who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.

Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.

Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

ad 13 je y ak pilih dr byk2 quote..hehe

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ramona and Beezus

baru je pas tgk movie ni smalam, saje nk bg opinion n review..hehehe ;p
to be honest, best giler2 giler3 giler3 tahap gaban la citer ni
byk mesej2 penting yang ad
ape yang ak dpt :

family first!! even they annoy you then most
sbb klo kite susah, mmg kompem fmily je y akan ad utk tlg kite n bg kite smangat

dare to be different
jgn malu2 klo kite ni cm lain sket dr org lain, x smestinye lain tu sume nye jahat, ad gak lain y bagus, walaupun nmpak cm kite ni spoilr, just be ourselves, as long as ape y kite buat tu x salah n wat kite rase epi

think positive, even when it is negative
ntah la, ak x pandai nk explain camane, tp bile kite ad dlm situasi y negative, cari la solution dgn melihat kt positive side of the problem, semua masalah ad jalan keluar..hehe

have a lot of dreams? just express them so we can achieve what we want
ni pun ak x tau..haha, tp dlm citer ni, si  ramona tu, wlaupun schoolmates dy slalu ejek dy, dy x segan2 cube nk tunjuk ape yang  kite nk smpaikan, kdg2, mende kecik je mmpu smpaikan sejuta maksud..

selena gomez and joel king are soooo damn cute!
haha, siyes, dorg mmglah teramat2 comel..

snapshots ~

cute kan??..jgn tipu la korg nk kate dorg bdue ni bese2 offense

da xd idea nk tulih, nnti klo ad mase, ak edit post ni, men tulih je ni..haha..


Monday, November 1, 2010


aizat seekor tikus


can't wait for thanksgiving break!!
seriously, i'm too tired of classes and assignments..
any plan for the break?? anyone?


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