Monday, January 31, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
korg jahat!
ujung minggu lepas, gman kene demam selesema n batuk2
pastu, ahad baru2 ni, aizat plak kene
then, x pasal2 ak kene gak..huuuuu
ni namenye jangkitan paradigma :)
anep x kene la plak..jeles2!..hahaha
seyes, badan rase x sedap gile
so, pagi td, mmg kepale otak ak berat giler
disebabkan itu, seharian ak x g kelas
3 kelas straight ak skip, nyesal mmg la nyesal, tp nk wat cmane..huuu :(
da la ad presentation n homework y kene anta..huuuu
nape la time2 ni jugak sakit ni nk dtg..:(:(:(
da lame x sakit2 cmni, naseb baek arini elok sket
Alhamdulillah :)
Alhamdulillah :)
esok pg kene g kelas jugak! kene kuatkn smangat..hehe
kaki aku cm makin truk la plak..huuuu
duk jengket2 g kelas, naek bas pun cm org cacat..hehehe
padan muke ak..~
Friday, January 21, 2011
mengidam ~
da lame ak mengidam ayam percik mak ak
then td g try2 buat
and then, jadi la pulak..hehehehehe
arini, fluffy snow turun dgn cantiknye ~ MasyaAllah :)
tp x dpt nk men snow, kaki sakittt..huuuuu
xpe, snow kt iowa turun smpai bulan 3 nnti, byk lagi maseee~ hehehe
Thursday, January 20, 2011
gusol ricet
aritu, try masak kurma kambing, dgn pertolongan sahabat handai, alhamdulillah menjadi la jugak..hehe - not bad laa utk amateur nye level..
pastu kan, arini ari first turf kt rec center bukak, setelah beberape bulan x men futsal kt turf ktorg semangat2 la nk g men, dah la last2 kene halau ngan rugby women nye team, x dpt ktorg nk membantah, pasrah je..hahaha
yang paling bes, ak dpt hadiah istimewa sempena grand opening turf ni, kire ak cm bertuah giler ah..
bangge la gak kejap :) hehehe ni ha hadiahnye :
pedih yang tidak terkata, bole buat muke jeeee..hehehe, tapi amat bermakne..sebab ak suke kaler merah..hahaha
then, naseb bek pegawai2 rec center arini baek ,dorg tolong ak balut lukaku ini..hehe
thank you daun keladi, pagi2 gosok gigi, minum kopi :)
then, naseb bek pegawai2 rec center arini baek ,dorg tolong ak balut lukaku ini..hehe
thank you daun keladi, pagi2 gosok gigi, minum kopi :)
sekian ~
Thursday, January 13, 2011
dulu, cikgu add math aku pernah cakap
"..we should always be ready for all kind of kemungkinan.."
yup, and i am going to..
this semester gonnna be so so hard ;(
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
kubal mujah
Arini masuk hari kedua semester spring 2011. Memang mule2 aritu, cm smangat giler nk masuk sem baru. Ak ingatkan cm sem ni ak bole rileks sket, sbb ak just amek 5 sbjek 13 credit. Tp memandangkan sbjek2 yang ak kene amek, terlintas jugak lah kt otak ak ni "bole jd giler ak sem ni"...haha. Untuk sem ni, ak amek sbjek :
English - banyak keje yang melampau lampau banyak
Food Science - simple tp byk mende kene research
Food Engineering - !@#$%&(*&^$^%#*&% ___subjek paling mencabar kewibawaan ak menangani masalah ketidakpandaian dalam fizik ngan calculus..haha, ni la killer sbjek ak sem ni, tp mmber2 ak ramai y amek engineering , so kene jd anak murid dorg laa..hehe
Microbiology - ni introduction course je, so ak harap jgn la bg y detail2 sgt eh, ak da la lembab giler klo biology ;(
Biochemistry - second killer sbject ;( xnk ckp pape, sbb ari pertame masuk kelas, dah x paham pe lecturer ckp, tp lecturer dy sempoi giler, cm x boring kot klo nk g kelas..IA
So bcakap pasal sem ni, ak spatutnye amek 16 credit, tp disebabkan rec center da nk psg smule turf, then pas ak pk2 balik, bek ak drop dlu sbjek speech comm. Skang ni, baru ak rase keputusan ak nk drop sbjek ni mmglah teramat berbaloi. Kalau x nnti, muke ak masuk paper - cubaan bunuh diri..;( Papehal pun, kene bsemangat jugak nk start sem baru. Yang lepas tu, kite lupekan eh. Kite bole improve - teringat plak pengetua semsas ak pnah ckp, "..the biggest room in the world is the room to get improved..", betul jugak kn?
Skang ni ak tgh lepak2 kt snedecor computer lab. Tempat bese ak lepak2 klo ad gap kelas. Org2 kt cni cm da boring je tgk muke ak, msti dorg pk "asyik muke mamat ni je ad kt cni..nyampah tauuu ~ auww" - khayalan semate2
Td ak ad perasaan dimane nk view blog someone ni, dah lame x bukak blog dy, saje kot nk tau2 citer.
Skang tgh snow, tp x sejuk sgt, so arini ak pakai baju 2 lapis je. Then tadi, bile diri lame2 kt luar, mule la "menggeligil" - geli smbil menggigil..haha..kalau korg paham la maksud ak..;p
Aritu malas nk story pasal winter trip, ktorg budak2 bujang kt cni g jalan2 kt california. klo nk ak citer betape best nye ktorg g jalan2, ak kene buat blog baru kot, x ckup space la kt blog ni..hehe ;) penat tu mmg lah penat, tp betul jugak org ckp, pengalaman tu x bole nk dibeli kt amazon mahupun ebay..sedap je mata memandang betape indahnye ciptaan Allah kt bumi ni..MasyaAllah.;) Antara state y ktorg lalu : Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Kansas ngan Nebraska :):):)
Skang ni ak tgh layan secret garden. Ada org suggest ak tgk drama ni..weeeeeee~
Rase excited nk maen bola ngan badminton tiap ari, jadual ak paling last pun abes kul 3..yeayy! Tp kelas tiap pagi start pukul 9..huwaaaaaa!!
Last question -----> bole ke eh kalau anak murid kawen ngan cikgu dy? hehehehe
Friday, January 7, 2011
winter break~
fun, fun and fun
all said :)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
i love you.. so much
She used to hold me
She used to clean me
She used to clothes me
She used to feed me
She used to hug me
She used to hear me before I could talk
She used to hold me before I could walk
When I fell, she picked me up and clean my cut
When I cry, she wiped my tears
She's really cares
I should give all my love to her
I should give all my respect to her
I should give all my honor to her
I should pay good mind to her
I should stay right close to her
I should think of her the most
After Allah and Rasulullah
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
For her, as my beloved mother ;)
She used to clean me
She used to clothes me
She used to feed me
She used to hug me
She used to buy me new clothes
She used to comb my hair
She used to blow my nose
She used to hear me before I could talk
She used to hold me before I could walk
When I fell, she picked me up and clean my cut
When I cry, she wiped my tears
She's always be with me
When I was sick, she stay up all night
She hold me tight
She knows my fearsShe's really cares
I should give all my love to her
I should give all my respect to her
I should give all my honor to her
I should pay good mind to her
I should stay right close to her
I should take good care of her
I should never say no to her
I should listen to her the mostI should think of her the most
After Allah and Rasulullah
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
For her, as my beloved mother ;)
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